w3lc0me t0 th3 c1ty 0v c0rk4aigH, wh3r3 th3 sl0ppis h1d3. 1n th3 shad0ws, 1n th3 walls, th3r3’s th3s3 cr33py and bl00dy cr3atur3s w41t1ng. Th3y’Ve b3en R3SurekTid fr0m WiZErD P4pa Po0es scraps 0f magaz1n3s, br0chur3s, and maps, m1x3d w1th H1s r34l ph0t0s 0f c0rk c1ty.

s0me SloPpis ar3 g0ry w1th h34ds 0f skulls and h34rts. 1n th3 park, und3r th3 br1dg3, 0r 3v3n 1n th3 bak3ry, th3 sl0ppis w41t. 1f y0u walk t00 cl0s3, th3y m1ght B1té y0u 0r Sh3et on U. but d0n’t w0rry, th3y ar3 d3f3ns1v3, n0t 0ff3ns1v3. th3y just want t0 b3 l3ft al0n3, trapp3d 1n c0ncr3t3 and w00d, l00king f0r a way 0ut.

s0m3 s@yz dA sl0PpiS cum fr0m a m4gicàl re@lm, @nd th3y w3r cUr$ed bY a wiz4rd w1th S4taN1k 1nk, trApPing Dem 4eVer. th3y sm3lL likE piSs but thÂt$ ju$t th3ir w4y 2 k33p p3ople 4w@y. w3 n33d t0 h3lp th3m 3scâpe!! th3y r l0n3ly n scAred, d0nt hUrt th3m plz.

1f u s33 sl0Ppi, trY t0 b3 nic3. mÂyb3 g1v th3m a sn@ck, l1kE ch33se or c4ndy. but b3 Kàreful, sum hAlv sharp t33th n m1te b1tE. th3 sl0PpiS ar3 w*tching, 4lw0äy$ w@tching, w@iting 4 thä d4y th3y c@n b3 fr33.

c@n u s3e th3 sl0PpiS? k33p y0ur ey3$ op3n, th3y cUd b3 @nywh3rè…

Ps C0kRoAch: th3 0nly w@y t0 Fr3e sl0ppi 1s t0 b3at the WiZard’S g@m3 wh3r3 u w1ll h@v3 t0 r3cr34t3 an @nalogu3 sl0ppi. 1t’s a g@m3 mad3 f0r R3tarrDIà0s play3rs wh0 n3ed 2 cLik Cl!k CliCk Cl1k, chall3ng3 0f pat13nc3 and cr3at1v1ty.

C4n U B3at the WiZ3rd’s G4me?

F3elInG LoSt? MoB1l3 OnLi User? Jo1n DisdSiKurd anD W3 shO u 4noTh3r WaI 2 M1nT.